Friday, 25 July 2008
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Friday, 11 July 2008
Wednesday, 9 July 2008

SOMEWHERE in Wiltshire, in a wheatfield under a brilliant full moon, author Henry Hemming found himself helping to make a crop circle. Silhouetted against the crop, seven men with stomping boards and measuring tapes went about their business in earnest. Several hours later, the job was done, and the group could relax and speculate on how the crop-circle community would react when daylight came. Henry, researching his book In Search of the English Eccentric, just out, had encountered Britain ’s leading crop-circle maker John Lundberg, who allowed the writer to join his party on condition that he never revealed the location of the formation created that night. Lundberg never reveals the locations of any crop circles he makes, which undermines his claims somewhat.
Now, the universe may be infinite, but my Mysterious West page in the Western Daily Press unfortunately is not. So I am including in this new sletter a little piece of detective work which I have carried out - I believe I can identify the Hemming/Lundberg crop formation. In his book, Hemming describes a visit by himself and Lundberg to the Crop Circle Connector get-together in the Coronation Hall at Alton Barnes on August 1 last year. Henry tells his readers that he helped to make the crop circle some weeks before - under that full moon, which he describes as being so bright it was "like a floodlight". Now, in this case, the only relevant full moons were on June 1 and June 30 - a “blue moon” month, having two full moons in it. The full moon on July 30 was obviously too close to the Crop Circle Connector event. I rule out June 30 as no crop circles appeared in Wiltshire immediately after the date. But, referring to Steve and Karen Alexander’s Crop Circle Year Book for 2007, I see that a formation did appear on June 3 in the famous East Field at Alton Barnes. This was a three-armed propeller-like pattern with five circles on each arm. As crop circles go, it was not a particularly elaborate design. The Hemming/Lundberg team could therefore have created this formation overnight on June 1 or June 2, when the full moon was at its peak. I rest my case.
27 June 2008
Reading between the lines, it seems I was right about the location of the crop circle created a year ago by author Henry Hemming and John Lundberg, who is regarded as Britain's leading crop-circle creator.
From unwitting clues in Henry's new book, In Search of the English Eccentric, featured on this page last week, I deduced that the formation was the one found in the East Field, Alton Barnes, on June 3 last year.
I was interested to pursue this because Lundberg never reveals the locations of any crop circles he makes, apart from those done purely for commercial concerns.
My piece of sleuthing went out on my Mysterious West email newsletter to regular readers last week.
Henry's response was: "That was very interesting what you put together. It's extremely frustrating not being able to say yes or no to your hypothesis, but I'm fascinated by what you've put together."Enough said.
In researching his book, Henry was allowed to join Lundberg's party on condition he never revealed the location of the formation he helped to create.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Most of the people I've spoken to over the last month will, at some point, ask how the book's going, to which I don't always know what to say. The publishers don't really give you a daily update on sales as they don't have one themselves - though you can check your amazon sales ranking. Obsessively. This can only end in tears. No matter how high you soar there comes a point, even if your first initials are J. K. and you have a thing about wizards, that your rating begins to drop, and the unbearable helplessness of knowing there's sweet fa you can do to try and turn the tide, short of buying the book yourself, makes Amazon sales-ranking-checking a Bad Thing To Get Hooked On. And yes, I've been there.
There have been a handful of reviews so far, including one by Tina Jackson in Metro, and the nicest one yet in the TLS, by Josh Raymond. Sadly I can't find it online. The pull-out quote was: 'an intelligent and encouraging piece of writing.' Thelondonpaper did a Q and A, Gay Times liked it, so did Vogue, Tatler, Traveller Magazine and the Western Daily Press. However, Harry Mount in the Literary Review did not. More on that and how some (often more conservative) reviewers can turn against it later.
Articles I've done concerning the book - there's one about hermits, most of all Sue Woodcock and Tom Leppard that appeared yesterday in the Independent on Sunday. Several to follow in the coming weeks.
People in the book - Chris Eubank has just put his kids up for adoption. King Arthur started a protest outside Stone Henge, after performing a ceremony to make sure there was no rain during Glastonbury (which seems to have worked). Vivienne Westwood walked out of the Sex and the City premiere, saying there was nothing remotely memorable or interesting about what she saw. I love her for that. The film is apparently one long product placement for a number of different labels, including hers. Sebastian Horsley's book Dandy in the Underworld got an excellent and sympathetic review in the Guardian which, as he has since explained, means his life is essentially over. 'It's now one long descent into respectability.' We're doing our talk together at Camp Bestival at 8.40, Friday 18 July. In the Comedy Tent. Help.
More later in the week I think